Prof. Renuka Singh, Director

Professor Renuka Singh (Retd.) is a Sociologist from the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has been working in the field of Gender Studies, Diaspora and Buddhist Studies for over four decades and travels extensively delivering lectures at various seminars and Universities abroad. She has been associated with Womenʼs Studies Centre, Delhi University, Centre for Social Research, and was a Research Fellow at Centre for Cross-Cultural Research on Women at Oxford University. She was also a Senior U G C Fellow and is currently the Director of Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre, New Delhi, and the Chairperson of Punjabi Sahit Sabha, New Delhi. She has authored and edited several articles and books that have been translated into many languages of the world. Some of the titles are: The Womb of Mind, Women Reborn, The Path to Tranquillity, The Transformed Mind, Many Ways to Nirvana, The Path of the Buddha, Becoming Buddha, Dalai Lamaʼs Little Book of Buddhism, Dual Identity: Indian Diaspora and Other Essays, Buddhism: The Message of Peace, Boundless As the Sky, and Dalai Lamaʼs Little Book of Mysticism and Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Encouragement.

“My association with Tushita started way back in 1982 and 1983 when I attended the Dharma celebration and happened to meet Lama Yeshe. Little did I realize that Lama was silently trying to induct me in. I met His Holiness in 1986 and Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1987. I was taken in as an Executive Committee member in 1988 and made the director in 1993. The journey so far has indeed been spiritually challenging and we are trying to repay the kindness of Indians by providing this space for inner development to the Delhites.

The future of Tushita lies in making it a permanent place for all the spiritual practitioners who are hoping to create a better and peaceful future in these troubled times.”

Nico, Spiritual Program Coordinator

Nico is a Buddhist student from Belgium who has been following the teachings of the Tibetan lamas since 2012 and completed various meditation retreats. Prior to that, he was the head of a web agency in Brussels.

In 2014, deeply inspired by his meeting with Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Nico took a turn in his life with the decision to completely dedicate his time to the study and practice of the Buddha's teachings.

After spending 4 years studying and meditating at Dharma centres in Dharamsala, Kathmandu and Bodhgaya, the lamas gave him the advice to live and study at Nalanda Monastery in the South of France. Nico completed 5 years of intense studies with Geshe Gyaltsen at the monastery and then decided to come back to India in order to continue his studies with Geshe Dorji Damdul at Tibet House, the Cultural Center of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi.

Nico has led several retreats and pilgrimages in India and has previously taught at Chökorling, the local FPMT centre in Toulouse, France. These days, Nico is very happily living in Delhi, studying at Tibet House and serving at Tushita.

Contact Us

Drop-in Hours: Monday thru Friday - 9am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday - 10am to 4pm.
All programmes take place at the Centre and are also streamed live on Zoom.